When it comes to happiness and every other area in your life, food has the capacity to harm or heal. By learning about what foods to choose and avoid, you will be able to help your body and mind, and embrace happiness.
Foods to Boost Happiness
So you want to use what Mother Nature has to offer in order to boost your mood? Start off by looking for foods that are high in healthy fats. Our brains rely on these fats, such as omega-3 fatty acids, and they do wonders for mood and improving happiness by allowing nerve cells to communicate more efficiently.
Walnuts, pumpkin seeds and fish oil are great ways to consume these. Omega-3 fatty acids have been proven to be as effective as common antidepressant drugs in regard to depression.
Berries are another wonderful way to boost your happiness. They contain anthocyanins, which are helpful to your brain as they support its function. Oranges, raw peppers and kiwi are high in Vitamin C which battles stress.
Leafy greens boost your folic acid intake, and even dark chocolate is known to be a positive mood enhancer. Bananas and dates are easily found foods that are known to affect serotonin levels positively.
Your mood and mental function are also greatly affected by dehydration, so be sure to stay well-hydrated by consuming plenty of water.
Foods That Steal Your Joy
Sugar is the number one food to avoid if you wish to be happy. Sugar sets you up for a quick, false surge of energy when you feel the sugar high, followed by a crash. Sugar can also harm your immune system and trigger depression.
Coffee has been known to lead to anxiety, which will also rob you of joy. Wheat prevents serotonin from being produced, therefore contributing to depression. Alcohol is linked with moodiness, and although some individuals feel temporarily euphoric after consuming it, the feeling generally fades into negativity.
Supplements to Consider
Vitamin C has been shown to reduce cortisol, which is the hormone that causes stress. Unless you are getting a substantial amount of this vitamin from your diet, a daily supplement is a good idea.
Because a folic acid deficiency has been linked to depression, you should consider taking a supplement. Omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin B12 are also helpful for a natural mood boost. Supplements that will help you control unhealthy cravings include vitamin B complex, Co-Enzyme Q10 and resveratrol.
Because food has such a big effect on your mood, you would be wise to utilize it to its full potential. Instead of just choosing your meal based on what you desire at the moment, turn your plate into a powerful weapon that will fight depression and anxiety, and build and maintain your happiness.
You deserve the chance to feel joy, and by modifying your eating habits you can change your life for the better. Choose your mood by choosing your food, and see the difference it makes.