There are many ways you can increase your happiness and several tricks that don’t require much preparation or effort. Our words have power, and by repeating mantras to yourself throughout your day, you will find that feeling happy begins to come naturally to you.
Here are seven mantras that, when repeated often, can change your life.
I Am Amazing
These three words can help prevent you from falling into a slump of self-hatred. Too many individuals do not have respect for themselves and forget that they are amazing, beautiful and one-of-a-kind. Repeat this mantra often so the words will come to you when you need them the most.
I Am Grateful
Gratefulness is a sure way to gain happiness. When you are grateful, you are making an effort to remind yourself of the good things in your life. In turn, this positive attitude attracts even more good things.
I Love Myself at All Times
One of life’s most important lessons is to love ourselves. If you feel as though you haven’t quite gotten to a point of full self-love and respect, then repeat these words until you do. Say them when you are pleased with yourself, as well as when you are angry and disappointed in yourself.
I Am a Magnet to Good Things
Believing that good things and positive situations are headed your way, will actually help them do so. Thinking of yourself as a magnet to everything that is amazing will draw those things to you. Your self-confidence and positive spirit attract what they put out, and you will see your life becoming enriched as you repeat this mantra often.
Also Read: The Link Between Food and Happiness
I Attract Healthy People into My Life
Even in the best circumstances, the wrong people will keep us from going far. Create a circle of friends who are hopeful and positive just as you are.
Avoid drama, and repeat this mantra to yourself when you are tempted to get sucked into someone’s negative energy.
I Can Do Anything I Set My Mind To
Believing in yourself and having confidence in what you can achieve will take you far. When you know that you can do anything you set your mind to, you will find unlimited happiness in that knowledge.
Speak these words when you are struggling to change your situation, and know that you have the power it takes to do so.
I Have a Purpose
No matter how much money a person makes or how much they accomplish, life will feel pointless and void without a sense of purpose. There are plenty of books written on the subject that can help you analyze your life and find out what your specific purpose is.
Think about the things you love and are drawn to, and what gives you your greatest feeling of satisfaction. You have something special to offer the world, and this mantra reminds you of that fact.
Our words hold much power, and mantras are a great way to set us on the path to happiness. When you use your words to bring positive things into your life, you will find happiness. Repeat these mantras and find out what a difference they will make for you.